Thursday, December 04, 2003

Rock Walls

Ok Guys...
I have been doing this by the book and suggestions gathered here.
I finally got the base coat on the rock walls tonight...
Floquil spray concrete.
I don't like it as a base coat too silvery doesn't look like the beginnings of rock to me.
The outside looks better than the inside because of the rock imprint. The inside doesn't even look like concrete walls to me and you don't really weather the inside. I know for the most part not seen but I know it is there.

This is the second thing I'm too picky about. I was disappointed with my staining of bag 5 with that different method. They are much darker than 1-4 which I liked.

I was thinking about using some thinner to clean the concrete off the walls and starting over using some of the suggestions from Foss. Maybe with an earth base coat thinned and brushed on. What do you think?"

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